Eenie Teaching – extract from the Teachings of Dr S.R.A. Purna
We talk about the twittering of birds, which sometimes resembles communication within a large assembly. Generally birds appear to communicate peacefully, yet there are exceptions. Some birds come across as very aggressive.
Have you ever seen a hawk being harassed by crows? The crows will not give up until the hawk flies so high they cannot follow.
Look at the interesting facts of migration: small and seemingly delicate creatures flying all day with infallible instinct and strength. It appears that birds have an inbuilt GPS system; all this is done instinctively. It is part of their genetic programming.
Animals do not have minds like humans
You have the ability to think as much as you like with no restriction on any kind of fantasy. That power is given; you can just sit, imagine and fantasize about anything, whether you want to be king, or queen, famous or infamous; there is no limit to thought. You can even be naughty in your thoughts without being punished!
In short, whether you have high thoughts or low, kind or mean, there are no boundaries. You can create love, hate, anything you like. The human being is the only one with such a gift, no other creature in the entire cosmos has this gift – and how you use it is up to you.
Thought also implies responsibility. You have to remember that even your fantasies can affect your mood, your entire being, including your subsequent actions.
As I said, no other creature in the cosmos has this gift.