Bullying disturbs and destroys lives – especially more vulnerable and quiet lives. It is negative behaviour that shows insecurity as most bullies are fearful. It shows weakness, not strength. Bullying is rampant in society and is universal. Regardless of age, stage, gender, origin, appearance, size, belief or culture a bully can be found- and they may find you. |
Now all of us should act to end bullying everywhere. This is a common cause. Bullying should be identified and stopped by all, groups, organisations, institutions and individuals alike.
There should be –
Zero tolerance;
Immediate naming, shaming and apology;
Mediation to help bullies and the bullied; and
Restoration in some wayEenie’s World is raising awareness- under the guidance of Adhyatmik Foundation- so that we work together to educate, prevent, reduce impacts and remove bullying. We need to ask:
Where?Whether at home or outside the home we should respect each other- be kind, tolerant, strong and gentle with all beings.
We should be able to live in peace, flourish, realise our potential through our own individual ambition and striving- from our family life, educational experience, working time through to our retirement, voluntary or society contribution, recreation and health care.
We should not only stand up for ourselves but also for others – there is no place for bullying and there is no benefit of bullying for the bully or the bullied. Whether in person, through technology or from afar we should say No to bullying – the hidden loss must end now and we should help each other to stand up against such misconduct anywhere and everywhere.
Please join us and support our initiative – and our campaign – so that children and families everywhere can make positive progress in the battle against bullying – to find the cause and the solution so that we all live happier and healthier lives. Feeling good!