What are the Chakras?
These are wheels of energy situated at various points along the body, or more correctly, the subtle body. There are seven major chakras which correspond to different levels of consciousness. Before proceeding with this week’s meditative exercise, it is important that you know a little of the Nature of these energy centres.
The first Chakra, the root Chakra – Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. Here lies the source of physical strength and stability. It is the seat of the survival instinct. Fear results from being stuck as this point. It governs the spine and bodily eliminations.
The second centre, the sacral Chakra – Svadhistana, located in the lower abdomen, represents the expansive growth urge, instincts to maintain and preserve. This centre governs the entire reproductive system. Adverse qualities are greed, lust and envy.
The third energy wheel is the navel Chakra – Manipura, located in the centre of the abdomen. The sense of self-assertion and willpower manifests from this area. This Chakra also governs the digestive system. Blockage at this point results in anger and digestive upsets.
The fourth Chakra, the heart centre – Anahata, lies in the centre of the chest. Love, compassion and humanitarianism are generated from the soul through this point. It governs the physical heart, the thymus gland and the circulatory system. Blockage manifests in the inability to express heart-felt emotions and in disorders of the heart and circulation.
The fifth centre, the throat Chakra – Vishuddha, is located in the throat area. Here verbal expression of higher knowledge, integrating internal and external realities, manifests. This centre governs the thyroid gland, the throat, lungs and bronchi. Blockage results in disorder of the above, in the difficulty of verbalising, in stammering and the inability to express feelings, resulting in the lump in the throat feeling.
The brow Chakra – Ajna, situated above the nose, represents the third eye. It is linked with true wisdom, perfect intuition and the power to see clearly – clairvoyance. It governs the pituitary gland, the lower brain and the nervous system. Detachment, asceticism, complete calm and stability result at this level of vibration.
The crown Chakra – Sahasrara, across the top of the head, is also referred to as the thousand-petalled lotus. This is the seat of profound creativity, peace and bliss. It is associated with the pineal gland. This is the centre of ultimate unity and enlightenment.
There are many ways of activating and balancing these centres to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being.