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Namaste… Welcome to our
Yoga adventure!  

Here we will explore and be aware, imagine and pretend to be like animals and the elements and the wonderful nature around us. We can feel strong and empowered! This means that we all have our own, special individual power and energy. We are unique, important, special and perfect just as you are! Find out more about who you are as you learn family yoga, relax and have fun.

Soon we will be offering Yoga sessions and a Family Yoga Handbook for all of us to enjoy, learn and grow in health and happiness. 

ORDER NOW! “Eenie’s Balanced Yoga for Children and Families - a Handbook“

suraj namaskar eenies family
eenies world online yoga for children

Surya Namaskar - Yoga Sun Salutation - for Children

  • Think of the Sun and all it does for us! We depend on its light and its warmth. Imagine this light shining inside your heart – then relax and feel peaceful.
  • Salute to the Sun has 12 parts just like the months of the year.
  • You can greet the Sun in the morning and offer these wonderful movements to the Sun – and to yourself.
  • Say thank you. The Sun is the source of our beautiful day!
  • This exercise is good for your tummy, your back, your skin, your mind and your heart! Sun Salutation can take away the blues, like clouds drifting away making space for the bright and wonderful Sun to shine.
Think to yourself “light and bright”! Feeling Good!

To Know More About Family Yoga

Welcome to Eenie's World

Join our happy space to learn and enjoy