Most of the people – human beings – live in this world and follow time according to the solar calendar that has been developed. On Planet Earth our time and schedule follow the movements of the different planets ? , as well as the Moon ? and the stars ?
Every day we have 24 hours – every hour there are sixty minutes and in each minute there are sixty seconds. We use a clock to find out what time it is and the day is divided into morning before 12pm noon ? and afternoon and evening or night before 12am midnight ?
Our day is equal to one full rotation – or round – of the Earth around its axis or centre. There are seven days in the week – including a week-end that is two days. The days In the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday called weekdays – and Saturday and Sunday called the weekend.
There are four weeks in month. Then we enjoy twelve months in a year. The months are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
Our year is equal to a revolution – circling – of the Earth around the Sun, which takes 365 and ¼ days, which is why we add an extra day in February every four years, which is called a leap year.
We also have various seasons to enjoy in several places that we will also talk about more later. Seasons follow certain weather patterns and affect the life cycle of all of our life on Earth including the flowers and plants and other living creatures. The seasons are called Spring, Summer, Autumn or Fall and Winter. There is so much to learn and enjoy!