Eenies World Yoga for Children Introduction


Yoga for Children

Thousands of years ago in India highly learned wise beings – sages – created the system of Yoga as a scientific method to develop physically, mentally and psychologically into a more complete human being. So it is often called an ancient science.

The term Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “yuk” meaning union or “yoke”. It implies harmony and balance between all aspects of creation. Impulses and inclinations of the ever active, changing and wavering mind are brought under the discriminating yoke of the Higher Self – that is the more aware aspect of who you are.

There are many kinds of Yoga that we can learn about, each starting with a different aspect, yet all leading towards harmony and integration of the whole being or person. The physical body is often considered to be the simplest starting point.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the Yoga of the body. The syllables “ha” and “tha” signify Sun and Moon, respectively, the flux of positive and negative energies. Balance of these energies will result in perfect health and correct the imbalance in disease.

Energy levels are increased to boost stamina and strength. When we understand this, we can manage our selves in order to be happy and healthy throughout the life, regardless of life challenges.

As Eenie demonstrates, Hatha Yoga is the aspect of yoga that emphasises a system of physical maintenance. Physical exercises alone do not constitute Hatha Yoga however – that is gymnastics. Hatha Yoga generally emphasises careful observation and attention being paid to the combined action of postures with breath control to eliminate poisons and toxins and vitalise the body, strengthening the whole nervous system.

Create Good Posture in Children

Bad habits of posture and attitudes of mind begin in childhood and can result in serious illness in adulthood if not corrected. While practicing their yoga postures children are taught to develop an awareness of their own thoughts and attitudes and to learn to work in a proper positive way.

This practice can also improve concentration, relaxation, coordination, balance, and even sight and speech.

Stretching makes the body feel toned, supple and flexible. You will begin to feel energetic, yet relaxed. Free from tension, you will be able to cope more easily with the ongoing demands of modern living.

Fun Yoga

This is so good – and fun – for children and families everywhere. Eenie’s music – available on Eenie’s World YouTube Channel – can be supportive also.

The earlier you learn to manage your life – especially in these unsettled or uncertain times – the more empowered and resilient you can be. Pressures on children can be just as great nowadays as they are on adults – they often suffer from nerves, aches, depression, moodiness similar to adults.

Fortunately, the practice of Yoga affects the whole person positively: it is easy to learn and practice, enjoyable, gentle, individual and therefore extremely helpful for all the family across the ages and stages of life. We therefore focus on this so that families and children everywhere can feel and become increasingly healthy and balanced as individuals throughout the stages of life wherever they are.

This is a universal tool for life.

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